الصفحة الرئيسية - تفاصيل الحدث - On Sunday, 5/5/2024, the Women...

On Sunday, 5/5/2024, the Women’s Affairs Unit held an awareness lecture entitled: )Societal violence against women(.

Oct 13,2024

On Sunday, 5/5/2024, the Women’s Affairs Unit held an awareness lecture entitled:

)Societal violence against women(.

Societal violence against women includes a wide range of harmful behaviors that target women because of their gender. These behaviors include physical, emotional, and sexual violence, as well as social and cultural restrictions that limit their freedom and advancement. Treatments for this problem include raising awareness and education about women's rights, implementing laws that protect them, and providing psychological and social support to victims.

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Oct 13,2024 @ 07:52:40pm

فئات الحدث:

Community Service, هدف

On Sunday, 5/5/2024, the Women’s Affairs Unit held an awareness lecture entitled: )Societal violence against women(.

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